CoppeComb - Center for Research and Characterization of Crude Oil and Fuels

Coppecomb is one of the most modern Latin American research centers for crude oil. The center is responsible for the characterization of crude oils, fuels and biofuels and for the development of processes. It seeks innovative solutions to improve the quality of oil products from Brazilian crudes. It has seven laboratories and a team of highly qualified professionals. Coppecomb was inaugurated on 29 June 2007 as a result of a partnership between the Chemical Engineering Program (PEQ) of Coppe / UFRJ (Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering) and Petrobras.

The birth of PEQ and Coppe

Coppe / UFRJ was founded by Alberto Luiz Coimbra, an engineer, and is one of the most important teaching and research centers of engineering in Latin America. The Chemical Engineering Program (PEQ), which was the first course to be established, pioneered graduate teaching in Brazil. Coppe participates in committees, research centers, multilateral agencies, international scientific institutions and has cooperation agreements with universities in Canada, France, Argentina, USA, Netherlands, China and Germany.

The beginning of Coppetec

Coppetec was set up within Coppe in order to administer agreements and contracts with companies, public and private agencies and both domestic and foreign non-governmental organizations.

Coppe / Petrobras Partnership

This partnership was the first major agreement between a university (UFRJ) and a state company. It marked the beginning of joint research into oil and related matters.

Technology-based Business Incubator

The Coppe incubator is especially designed to stimulate the setting up of new businesses based on technological knowledge developed by research groups at UFRJ.

A benchmark

Coppe celebrated its thousandth project in partnership with Petrobras.


The Chemical Analysis Laboratory (LAQ) was the result of a partnership between Coppe and Cenpes (Petrobras R&D). The lab launched tests for the characterization of petroleum products.

LAQ was the embryo for Coppecomb.

Expanding Horizons

LAQ established new tests for the characterization of biofuels.

Research activities

LAQ began joint research projects with the Transportation Engineering Program (PET) and the International Virtual Institute of Global Change (IVIG), as well as other Coppe programs.

The Birth of coppecomb

ComDue to the successful ongoing projects of LAQ (Chemical Analysis Laboratory), Cenpes (Petrobras Research Center) renewed its partnership with PEQ (Chemical Engineering Program) and invested in setting up new laboratories to create coppecomb.

International cooperation: China - Brazil

Sponsored by FINEP, the Brazilian Innovation Agency, the Brazil-China Center began its activities in January 2009. The China – Brazil Center for Climate Change and Energy Technology Innovation is a technological and academic cooperation between Coppe/UFRJ — which is the major engineering research center in Latin America — and Tsinghua University, which is the most important Chinese university in the field of engineering. The Center has an office at Tsinghua University, in Beijing, where the activities are coordinated and from where contacts are established with the Chinese and Brazilian companies interested in the technologies developed by the two countries.


O COPPEComb e a Universidade de Tsinghua, através do Centro China Brasil assinam um acordo tecnológico, no qual serão desenvolvidos em conjunto projetos na area de bioenergia.

Coppe / PEQ - 50 years

On its 50th anniversary PEQ once again received the maximum classification CAPES1. The Chemical Engineering Program has always been awarded the maximum evaluation by CAPES1.

1 Coordenação de aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de nível superior

Besides the technicians with over 20 years experience in their respective fields, some of whom started their careers at Petrobras, coppecomb has appropriate storage facilities for the safety and maintenance of samples, as well as best practice policies to ensure test results.

Test Method
Aspect Visual
Color Visual
ASTM Color ASTM D1500
Biodiesel content EN 14078
Total sulfur ASTM D5453
Density, 20º C ASTM D4052
Flash point, min. ASTM D56 / ASTM D93
Atmospheric distillation ASTM D86
Cold filter plugging point – CFPP ASTM D6371
Cetane number ASTM D613
Ashes, max. ASTM D482
Corrosiveness to copper ASTM D130
Total water content ASTM D6304
Total contamination  
Water and sediment ASTM D2709
Oxidation stability EN 15751
Número de Acidez ASTM D664
Electrical conductivity ASTM D2624
Test Method
Aspect Visual
Color Visual
Anhydrous ethanol content NBR 13992
Density at 20º C ASTM D4052
Distillation ASTM D86
Motor octane number IROX
Vapor pressure ASTM D5482
Oxidation stability by Induction period at 100° C ASTM D525
Copper blade corrosion 3h at 50º C ASTM D130
Total sulfur ASTM D5453
Benzene IROX
Hydrocarbons IROX
Aromatic IROX
Olefins IROX
Test Method
Aspect Visual
Color Visual
Total acidity NBR 9866
Electrical conductivity NBR 10547
Density at 20° C NBR 5992
Alcohol content NBR 5992
Hydrogenic potential (pH) NBR 10891
Ethanol content ASTM D5501
Evaporation residue NBR 8644
Hydrocarbon content NBR 13993
Chloride content ASTM 7319/ABNT 10894
Sulfate content ASTM 7319/ABNT 10894
Iron content NBR 11331
Sodium content NBR 10422
Water content - Karl Fischer ABNT 15531
Copper content NBR 13993
Test Method
Aspect Visual
Density of semi-solids ASTM D70
Asphaltene content IP 143
Flash point ASTM D92
Test Method
Viscosity at 50º C ASTM D7042
Flash point PM ASTM D93
Density 20/4º C ASTM D4052
Pour point ASTM D97
Test Method
Viscosity at 50º C ASTM D7042
Density at 20° C ASTM D4052
Ashes ASTM D482
Flash point PM ASTM D93
Pour point ASTM D97
Test Method
Density at 20° C ASTM D4052
Kinematic viscosity ASTM D7042
Acid number - TAN ASTM D664
Basic nitrogen UOP 269
Water and sediment ASTM D2709
Dehydration N2499
Test Method
Aspect Visual
Color ASTM D1500
Total sulfur ASTM D5453
Density at 20° C ASTM D4052
Flash point PM ASTM D93
Kinematic viscosity at 40º C ASTM D445
Pour point ASTM D97
Calculated cetane Index ASTM D4737
Ashes ASTM D482
Test Method
Aspect Visual
Water by Karl Fischer - humidity ASTM D6304
Color ASTM D1500
Density ASTM D4052
Kinematic viscosity at 40º C and 100º C ASTM D445
Calculated kinematic viscosity ASTM D7042
Acid number - TAN ASTM D664
Basic nitrogen UOP 269
Basicity index - TBN ASTM D4739
Flash point PM ASTM D93
Pour point ASTM D97
Ashes ASTM D482
Sulfate ash ASTM D874
Refractive index ASTM D1218 / D1747
Test Method
Aspect Visual
Density at 20° C ASTM D1298 / ASTM D4052
Kinematic viscosity at 40º C ASTM D445
Water by Karl Fischer - humidity ASTM D6304
Total contamination EN 12662
Flash point PM ASTM D93
Ester content, min. EN 14103
Carbon residue ASTM D4530
Sulfate ash ASTM D874
Total sulfur ASTM D5453
Sodium + Potassium NBR 15554
Calcium + Magnesium NBR 15553
Phosphorus NBR 15553
Copper blade corrosion, 3h at 50º C ASTM D130
Cetane number ASTM D613
Cold filter plugging point - CFPP ASTM D6371
Acid number ASTM D664
Free glycerol ASTM D6584
Total glycerol ASTM D6584
Monoacylglycerol ASTM D6584
Diacylglycerol ASTM D6584
Triacylglycerol ASTM D6584
Methanol / ethanol content EN 14110
Iodine index EN 14111
Oxidation stability at 110° C EN 14112

New methods, products and procedures can be developed upon request.